Tuesday, January 16, 2007

No child left behind

I am sort of new to the no left child behind act and it is pretty interesting to me. I am finding more details about it everyday. I thought this web site gave a good understanding on it. Click Here


John Hadley Strange said...

I am glad you posted that link. It was something I was looking for and couldn't find!

Lisa said...

Ashley - email me at ly601@jaguar1.southal.edu or by blog on the EPY251 class if you have questions. I am going to do the online class on Wednesday night after work.

HillaryGibson said...

I plan on looking at this site this weekend (the only time I really have to do anything). The No Child Left Behind thing started well after I graduated from high school and I really need to be better informed. Just from what I've heard, it sounds to me like it helps the children who are behind but holds back those who are not. Hope this is just media and gossip. Look forward to finding out the truth. Thanks for the link.