Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My Blog is now complete and has been closed
I have enjoyed EDM 310. I have met some great friends in the class.
What I learned in class:
Creating a Website
How to create tabs in word using the tab well.
How to copy in word using the Click Shift technique.
charts in Excel.
Learned how to use Concatenate in Excel.
I was looking forward to learning about Access/ Database programs.
Spreadsheet pay out tables.


Click to view my website. here

My website was on the 12 places i want to visit before i die. I love beaches if you can not tell by my website. I want to travel all across the country and see what the world is like and how different it is from mobile. If i had additonal time i would like to put more than one picture of each place and be able to talk more about each place. I think i would do some different fonts and colors on each page. My website is completed. here

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Blogging in China

Blogging in china is huge. People in china are using blogs to communicate with each other and to look up information. People are marketing their items on blogs. They feel like they can express theirselves easily and not worry what anyone thinks about them. Although blogs started a decade ago they are just now rising to the top where everyone is using them. Click to check out the website.here

Blogging in International schools

Lakewood High Teacher Adam Ronscavage started blog in 2005 for his Psy class. It turned out great and his website is accessible to millions around the world. Ronscavage had students every where one in turkey telling him how good blog and podcast was. Check out his website here

Sunday, February 4, 2007

In washington professor Guy Westhoff uses blogging to help students engage in projects and help other students connect from other schools. He thinks all teachers should use blogging. Professor Westhoff thinks it will help students become more active. He also thinks that the students that do not participate in large groups will share their feelings on blogging. Professor Westhoff is going to extend his research and continue exploring blogging for K-12. Here is
Professor Westhoff website.

Another school that uses bloggins in Conners Emerson in Maine. This school blog is a blog where a couple of people had posted things. The post are about the school accomplishments and pictures of the students. It tells you all about the school and its different teachers links. It gives you schedules so that everyone can keep up with the different activities going on. I really like this blog. To see Coomers Emerson blog click here

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Blogging in Education

I think blogging will help most students that are willing to learn it and use it. I think for the elementary students it will show the parents how the students are doing in the class. It can also help the parents help the students practice at home. In the 5th graders and up i think it will help students socialize who are shy. It also will help them communicate more and maybe intrigue them to learn more. I think it will benefit all students all around.

I thought this website was pretty cool about blogging. to view it.Click here

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

No child left behind

I am sort of new to the no left child behind act and it is pretty interesting to me. I am finding more details about it everyday. I thought this web site gave a good understanding on it. Click Here


I am doing my power point on a trip to gatlinburg,Tn during thanksgiving!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


One of my other classes perked my interest about discipline and i thought this website was pretty cool to learn how discipline is in the school system. Click

Tuesday, January 9, 2007